DIY Project | Tissue Paper Tassel Tutorial
For all those party hosts out there…here is a fun way to spice up your next party! Gather these simple-to-find materials and follow these instructions to make your own Tissue Paper Tassel decor!
Materials used:
four different packets of tissue paper (depends on the color schemes and how long you want your tassel- I made my mine approx. 6 feet)
hot glue gun
Take two sheets and fold it in half horizontally
Cut the sheet in half
Once the sheet is cut in half, fold it vertically in half
Here comes the tough part. Once it’s folded in half, slowly cut slits, 1 cm in width, leaving about 3 inches of space on top.
Once it’s cut- it’ll look like photos 5 and 6 below.
Unfold one sheet at a time so the tassels don’t tangle up. Lie it down flat on a table and start rolling from the center- until you have a long tube with fringes at both ends (starts from photo 6) and the end result should look like photo 7.
Once you have the center rolled up, start twisting them to secure and make a loop in the center so it’s easy to tie into the ribbon later. I used hot glue to glue the twisted portion to make sure the tissue paper does not unwind.
Repeat the above steps until you have enough colors for your garland
The bottom row of photos below are the end results!